00001A1C 487A 04C6 pea.l [PC + 0x4C6 /* 00001EE4, value 0x41752064 'Au d', pstring "u do not have enough energy to reach that destination. required: " */]
00005148 487A 0550 pea.l [PC + 0x550 /* 0000569A, value 0x3F2C2065 '?, e', pstring ", enter the length of yor mission, then let yor ship take off! " */]
00005AA4 487A 0194 pea.l [PC + 0x194 /* 00005C3A, value 0x42574152 'BWAR', pstring "WARNING: This data is incompatible with the current game version. " */]
00005AC0 487A 01D2 pea.l [PC + 0x1D2 /* 00005C94, value 0x43776172 'Cwar', pstring "warning: this da ta is incompatibul with the current game version. " */]
00006D32 487A 014E pea.l [PC + 0x14E /* 00006E82, value 0x3E636F6E '>con', pstring "congratiulations! u went up a level! u r now working on level " */]